ALTINKÖY having an important role for growing new healthy generations with its products, is performing analysis of each production party. There exists a modern laboratory environment with modern equipment such as sterile cabinet, water bath,stomacher, dry air sterilizator and autoclave. ALTINKÖY provides its customers the results of all kind of analysis those are performed inside its own facilities and also ALTINKÖY keeps all the records od reports according to its management system. Physical, chemical and microbiological analyisis are performed in the laboratory where the most famous and qualified equipment is used. The main analysis performed by the qualified staff are such as:
-Physical and Sensory Analysis
Taste Analysis
Smell Analysis
Colour Analysis
Structural Analysis
Meeting Analysis
-Chemical Analysis
pH Determination
Dry Matter Determination
Fat Ratio Determination
Salt Ratio Determination
-Microbiological Analysis
S. Aeureus Count Enterobacteria Count
E. Coli O157:H57
L. Monocytogenes Count
Mold Count
Coliform & E.Coli (type1) Count Yeast Count
ALTINKÖY continues its investment for production area with its organization following innovations with the effect of improjing and enlarging instituitional customer. As a workplace improvement, hygene which is the most important parameter in any food production area is being standardized. At the enterance all personel staff and visitors enter the area appropriate to the applications in the hygene sanitation unit. Entire unit is made by the stainless material and it is above a basement in order to prevent touch the person to the ground. After washing hands with the knee operated sink people pass through the tourniquet with automatic hand disinfiection system. Lastly, horizantal and vertical boot rushing system cleans and disinfects teh boots. All the people entering the production area have to use this private sanitation unit with boot brushing system. ALTINKÖY gices importance to this indispensible parameter of safe production in the workplace.